This game will help children learn about different foods and help them understand the difference between anytime snacks and sometime snacks. Anytime snacks can help us grow, make us strong, and may help keep us healthy. Sometime snacks contain fewer nutrients than anytime snacks.
You will need: 1. game cards 2. box to hold game cards 3. chalk or tape lines marked on the floor for a starting line and the Good Health Goal line (30 feet away from the starting line) Make game cards on 3" x 5" cards by pasting the picture of each of the foods from the list below to one side of each card. Write the number, 2 or 1, on the back of each card to show the category of the food. Food Number
To play the game, have 2 to 4 children at a time stand behind the marked starting line. Each child, one at a time, draws a food game card from the box. Each player says the name of the food on the card and reads the number on the back. If it is an anytime snack the card will have a number 2 on the back. This means the child may take two hops forward. If it is a sometime snack, the card will have the number 1 on the back. This means the child may take one hop forward. The object of the game is to be the first to reach the Good Health Line by hopping.
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