Directions: Cut out a large (body) and a medium (head) cloud shape from white paper. Cut out four black legs from black construction paper. Glue head and legs to the body. Add googly eyes and draw on a face. Glue popcorn onto body and head. Let dry completely.
An Old Wives’ Tale says that counting sheep will help you sleep. Materials Needed: A willing child, 5 to 10 sheep. (Make with cotton balls, wiggly eyes, glue, and a paper plate.) Directions: Let the children glue cotton balls all over the plate. Make a small face and glue the wiggly eyes and draw a mouth. Instructions: Have the children take turns being the sleeper in the middle. The sleeper will close his/her eyes until a timer goes off. (10 seconds works well) Then the sleeper will wake up, which stops the game. If the sleeper hears or senses someone near him/her he can pop up and catch them in the act. Each child will have a sheep. While the sleeper pretends to sleep let each child bring up a sheep and lay it by the sleeper without getting caught. Have the children count together the number of sheep they were able to put down before the sleeper awakes.
Upload black and white photos of animals on your computer. Resize the photos so each one is no more than 5 inches tall and 3 inches wide, then press “Print.” Pass out the animals to the children. Have them cut out the animals, then color them with crayons or markers. Glue the animals to the tips of craft sticks and use them as puppets.
This sensory project allows children to feel the soft "wool" as they wrap the yarn around the lamb.
This activity also promotes hand movement and muscle growth. Cut out a foam sheep. Allow children to give their sheep an eyeball and its fur.