Here is a simple and quick prank to play on someone. Just take a large rock, and write "Turn Me Over" on one side, then write "You Just Took Orders From A Rock" on the bottom side. Guaranteed to bring a laugh or two.
This one went over well. We wrapped a box of Reeces Pieces with a new label. Slightly gross, but the candy was delicious. This fake birth certificate got a great laugh in our hose. Especially because out little guy is a HUGE fan of the movie "Lilo and Stitch". We filled it out, and convinced him that he was in fact an alien from another planet. He spent half of the day looking for his antennae. We used modge podge and glued 2 wiggly eyes to our iPhone plug, it makes for a super cute, and super silly prank. I know that this shouldn't need to be said... but here it goes. ALWAYS use common sense when you are working with children. Of course, do not do this project for a child that is young enough to misuse a plug-in with their curiosity. This may be fun for an older school age child, co-worker, friend or family... just to make them smile.
For this one you will need some brown construction paper, a baking pan, and some foil. We used the brown construction paper to cut out brown E's. Placed them in the pan, and covered the pan with foil. Then ask someone if they would like a "Brownie" and imagine their surprise.
Here is a silly way to prank someone. Just print out the template below, and tape it to the bottom of someone's coffee cup.