Click here for the full text of the "I Have a Dream..." speech, or watch the video below to hear Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. give the speech on August 28, 1963. Supplies Needed; White, blue, and yellow temper paint and Blue Construction Paper
Directions; Paint children's hands white and stamp them (thumb side down) on blue paper. Use yellow paint to paint on beak, and add a blue dot for the eye. Allow to dry Supplies Needed; Print out of template (below) or create your own, paint and brush, white paper, yarn, hole punch and scissors.
Directions; Cut out 4 hearts from white paper and assist children in painting them red. Set hearts aside to dry.Print out template and fold in half. Once hearts are dry, use hole punch to create a hole and thread yarn through hole. Tie off yarn and glue to bottom of banner. Cut longer piece of yarn and glue to the top corners to create a hanger. Glue fold shut, and allow to dry. Supplies Needed; Construction paper, pens, glue and scissors
Directions; Using a blue piece of construction paper, cut one large cloud shape. Using other colors cut several small cloud shapes. On the large cloud, write "I Have a Dream..." and assist children in writing their dreams on to the smaller cloud shapes. Have the children glue smaller cloud shapes to the large cloud. Display as desired. |
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