National Arbor Day is observed on the last Friday in April.
National Arbor Day is on the last Friday of April and celebrated at the same time by 28 other states. You can find out when your state's Arbor Day is celebrated by reviewing the following calendar: JANUARY ARBOR DAY CELEBRATIONS (2) Florida's Arbor Day - Third Friday in January (State Tree: Cabbage Palmetto) Louisiana's Arbor Day - Third Friday in January (State Tree: Baldcypress) FEBRUARY ARBOR DAY CELEBRATIONS (3) Alabama's Arbor Day - Last full week in February (State Tree: Longleaf Pine) Georgia's Arbor Day - Third Friday in February (State Tree: Live Oak) Mississippi's Arbor Day - Second Friday in February (State Tree: Southern Magnolia) MARCH ARBOR DAY CELEBRATIONS (5) Arkansas' Arbor Day - Third Monday in March (State Tree: Pine) California's Arbor Day - March 7-14 (State Tree: California Redwood) New Mexico's Arbor Day - Second Friday in March (State Tree: Piñon) North Carolina's Arbor Day - The Friday after March 15 (State Tree: Pine) Oklahoma's Arbor Day - Last full week in March (State Tree: Eastern Redbud) Tennessee's Arbor Day - First Friday in March (State Tree: Yellow Poplar) APRIL ARBOR DAY CELEBRATIONS (34) Arizona's Arbor Day - Last Friday in April (State Tree: Paloverde) Colorado's Arbor Day - Third Friday in April (State Tree: Blue Spruce) Connecticut's Arbor Day - Last Friday in April (State Tree: White Oak) Delaware's Arbor Day - Last Friday in April (State Tree: American Holly) District of Columbia's Arbor Day - Last Friday in April (District Tree: Scarlet Oak) Idaho's Arbor Day - Last Friday in April (State Tree: Western White Pine) Illinois' Arbor Day - Last Friday in April (State Tree: White Oak) Indiana's Arbor Day - Last Friday in April (State Tree: Tuliptree) Iowa's Arbor Day - Last Friday in April (State Tree: Oak) Kansas' Arbor Day - Last Friday in April (State Tree: Cottonwood) Kentucky's Arbor Day - First Friday in April (State Tree: Tulip Poplar) Maryland's Arbor Day - First Wednesday in April (State Tree: White Oak) Massachusetts' Arbor Day - Last Friday in April (State Tree: American Elm) Michigan's Arbor Day - Last Friday in April (State Tree: Eastern White Pine) Minnesota's Arbor Day - Last Friday in April (State Tree: Red Pine) Missouri's Arbor Day - First Friday in April (State Tree: Flowering Dogwood) Montana's Arbor Day - Last Friday in April (State Tree: Ponderosa Pine) Nebraska's Arbor Day - Last Friday in April (State Tree: Cottonwood) Nevada's Arbor Day - Last Friday in April (State Trees: Singleleaf Pinyon and Bristlecone Pine) New Hampshire's Arbor Day - Last Friday in April (State Tree: Paper Birch) New Jersey's Arbor Day - Last Friday in April (State Tree: Northern Red Oak) New York's Arbor Day - Last Friday in April (State Tree: Sugar Maple) Ohio's Arbor Day - Last Friday in April (State Tree: Ohio Buckeye) Oregon's Arbor Day - First full week in April (State Tree: Douglasfir) Pennsylvania's Arbor Day - Last Friday in April (State Tree: Eastern Hemlock) Rhode Island's Arbor Day - Last Friday in April (State Tree: Red Maple) South Dakota's Arbor Day - Last Friday in April (State Tree: White Spruce) Texas' Arbor Day - Last Friday in April (State Tree: Pecan) Utah's Arbor Day - Last Friday in April (State Tree: Blue Spruce) Virginia's Arbor Day - Second Friday in April (State Tree: Flowering Dogwood) Washington's Arbor Day - Second Wednesday in April (State Tree: Western Hemlock) West Virginia's Arbor Day - Second Friday in April (State Tree: Sugar Maple) Wisconsin's Arbor Day - Last Friday in April (State Tree: Sugar Maple) Wyoming's Arbor Day - Last Monday in April (State Tree: Cottonwood MAY ARBOR DAY CELEBRATIONS (4) Alaska's Arbor Day - Third Monday in May (State Tree: Sitka Spruce) Maine's Arbor Day - Third full week in May (State Tree: Eastern White Pine) North Dakota's Arbor Day - First Friday in May (State Tree: American Elm) Vermont's Arbor Day - First Friday in May (State Tree: Sugar Maple) SEPTEMBER ARBOR DAY CELEBRATIONS (1) Virgin Islands' Arbor Day - Last Friday in September NOVEMBER ARBOR DAY CELEBRATIONS (2) Guam's Arbor Day - First Friday in November Hawaii's Arbor Day - First Friday in November (State Tree: Kukui) DECEMBER ARBOR DAY CELEBRATIONS (1) South Carolina's Arbor Day - First Friday in December (State Tree: Cabbage Palmetto)
Arbor DayArbor Day is a holiday in which individuals and groups are encouraged to plant and care for trees. Today, many countries observe this holiday. Though usually observed in the spring, the date varies, depending on climate and suitable planting season.