Supplies Needed; Red, pink and white yarn, pink, white and red construction paper, tissue, glue, hole punch and scissors
Directions; Cut a large cloud shape from white construction paper. tear several pieces of tissue into small shreds. Cover the cloud shape in glue and cover the cloud in bits of tissue. Allow the cloud to dry. Once dry, use hole punch to puncture a hole at the top of the cloud (for hanging), and several holes in the bottom of the cloud for hanging. We chose to hang 9 threads from the bottom of our cloud, you may add more or less depending on your preference. Now take your pink, white, and red construction paper and cut several heart shapes for hanging. We chose to hang 3 hearts from each of our 9 threads, you may add more or less depending on your preference. Cut your red, white and pink yarn into varying lengths. Now glue your hearts at different locations on each of your threads. Allow to dry. Once dry, hang from your cloud, as desired. Take a 6" piece of yarn and attach it to the top hole for easy hanging.
Supplies Needed; Toilet Paper roll, red paint, white paper
Directions; Take toilet paper roll and crease into heart shape (as seen below). Pour paint on flat surface (paper plates and Tupperware lids work best). Assist children in stamping heart shapes on their paper. Allow to dry. Supplies Needed; Pompoms, pipe cleaners, wiggly eyes, red construction paper, glitter glue, glue and scissors
Directions; Glue 3 pompoms together, to create bug body, allow to dry. While those dry, take your red construction paper and cut out 2 hearts, glue the tips of the hearts together to create wings, and decorate with glitter glue. Set wings aside to dry. Now glue wiggly eyes onto bug body. Take a small piece of pipe cleaner and twist it so that it looks like antennae and glue it to the back of your bug's head. Allow eyes and antennae to dry. Once dry, glue bug body to wings and allow them to dry. Supplies Needed; White paper, red construction paper, pencil, glue, black pen and scissors.
Directions; trace the outline of the child's hand, have them outline it with the black pen, and cut it out. Using your pencil, roll the 2 middle fingers and gently remove the pencil so that the 2 middle fingers stay curled. Glue the 3 remaining fingers and palm to the red construction paper. Have the children cut out red hearts, and assist them in writing "I love you" in the middle of the heart. Glue the heart to the center of the palm and allow to dry before displaying. Supplies Needed; Yarn, cardboard heart, scissors and glue
Directions; Glue end of yarn to back of cardboard heart. Wrap yarn around heart until cardboard is no longer visible. When cardboard is no longer visible, cut off yarn and glue end to the top center of the heart. To create the hanger, take an 8" section of yarn, tie it off at desired length, and glue it to the top center of the heart. Supplies Needed; Paper plate, Construction Paper, scissors and glue.
Directions: Cut the center our of a paper plate. Using multiple colors of construction paper, cut out several different heart shapes. Glue the hearts to the plate to create a wreath. Supplies Needed; Painters tape, red construction paper, white temper paint
Directions; Using painters tape, make a heart shape on your construction paper. Assist children in painting the area around their heart. Allow the paint to dry, then peel off the tape. Supplies Needed; White paper, red paint and brush, hole punch, white yarn, glue, 2 popsicle sticks
Directions; Assist children in painting their paper red. Allow to dry. Once dry, cut out several hearts and hole punch at the middle or sides. Cut and tie yarn at varying lengths and tie one heart at the end of each piece and set aside. Take two popsicle sticks and overlay them to create an "X" shape and glue at intersection. Allow to dry. Take a 6" section of yarn and tie it to the center of your "X" to hang your mobile. Now take your hearts and hang them at varying lengths from your "X". Display where desired |
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