This is a great way to help kids unleash their inner super hero. Print out the template and ask the children to create their own super hero. Super Hero TemplateHere is an inexpensive way to help children create their own super hero masks. These can be printed on standard paper, or heavier paper.
These make an adorable way to share a snack. Print out the template (below) and roll it into a cone shape. Use a couple pieces of tape to hold the cone in place. Then fill with your favorite snack. Wrap TemplateThis is a very simple way to make a quick and easy puzzles set with an envelope to match. We chose our 4 favorite super heroes, then painted 5 popsicle sticks to match the colors of those heroes. After the paint dried, we used a permanent marker to draw the super her logo. We found it helpful to tape the back of the popsicle sticks before drawing the logos, to hold the popsicle sticks in place. As a last step, print out the template (below) and fold it around the popsicle sticks as seen in the photos. We secured the envelope with a small piece of tape. Template for Puzzle Envelope |