Supplies Needed; Print out of template (below) and Fruit Loops cereal
Directions; Print out the template below and instruct children to place Fruit Loops between the lines of the "O". *If desired, assist children in gluing the Fruit Loops.
“Winners Never Quit!” by Mia Hamm, and Carol Thompson. Mia Hamm is a soccer player who plays for the American Olympic Team. This book discusses teamwork and perseverance. Host Your Own Mini OlympicsMaterials needed: Hula hoops, cones (or milk bottles), balls, laundry basket, medals, rope and gold star stickers.
Description: Have an Olympic Event! 1. Set out hula hoops in a row, and have children jump from one hoop to the next. 2. Set milk bottle in a zig zag row and have children walk around the cones (jugs) and back. 3. Set out the laundry basket and have the children shoot hoops with 3 shots each. 4. Set the rope out straight. Have the children jump as far as they can and mark where they land. 5. Distance running game. Every day for a week have the children run around the track like a track. Give children a gold sticky star for each lap. Instructions: This is not a competition, it is about personal best. Each time a child does an activity give them a gold star for participation. Teachers can play too! Do the activities at least three days in a row. At the end of the Games, every child gets a medal. For fun have them stand on stair or stool to receive their medal. Have a healthy treat Olympic Gold Metal party when you are through and show a ptt slideshow of the pictures you took. (Remember to get a picture of everyone!) Caution! Do not put up a sticker chart, this may make some children feel bad. Children who do not compete can get a silver star for being supporters. Everyone should get a sticker by the end of the day. Remember to bring your camera! |