These jars make the perfect gift for adults and children alike. They are simple and inexpensive to make. Supplies; Dreidel, gelt, paper/foil shreds, and gold pipe cleaners
Directions, Fill 1/3 of the jar with paper/foil shreds, add 4-6 gelt and a dreidel. Wrap and curl gold pipe cleaner as a decoration to the lid of the jar.
Supplies Needed(per star); Six Popsicle sticks, 6" of yarn, paint, and glue.
Directions; Paint Popsicle sticks, and lay flat to dry. Once dry, position them into two triangles. Glue at each corner of the triangle. Once both sets of triangles are dry position them on top of each other to create a six-point star. Glue the triangles together. Once the star is dry, tie a piece of yarn or ribbon though the top of the star. Supplies Needed; Print out of dreidel outline, glue, crayons or markers, Pencil
Directions; Have children color dreidel. After they have decorated it, assist them in cutting out the shape. Fold along all solid lines to create dreidel shape. Fold down tabs that say "paste here" so that they are inside the dreidel shape. Put glue along "paste here" tabs, and fold in to set. Allow the dreidel to dry. Once the dreidel is dry, put a pencil through the top hole (that you previously cut out), and through the bottom of the dreidel. *The bottom of our dreidel is obscured because we chose to make a stand for it out of play-dough. Supplies Needed; Paper plate, paint and paint brush, glue and glitter – optional, hole punch, scissors, yarn or ribbon – 2-3 feet
Directions; 1. Punch or cut a small hole in the center of your paper plate. Using scissors, cut out the middle of the paper plate to create a circle shape. 2. Paint your paper plate with blue or gold paint. You can also brush your plate with glue and add glitter to the plate. Let this dry completely before going to the next step. 3. With your hole punch, punch 6 holes on the inside edge of the paper plate. Space them evenly, about 3 inches apart. 4. Using your ribbon or yarn, tie a knot in one of the holes. From there, thread your ribbon through each hole into 2 triangle shapes, creating the shape of a Star of David with 6 points. 5. Once you’re done with each of the holes, you can tie it off or make a long strand or loop for hanging. |