Supplies Needed; Two paper plates, two white pompoms, one pink pompom, pink yarn, two wiggly eyes, pink and white construction paper, scissors, glue (or glue gun), and a hole punch.
Directions; Cut out 1/3 of one plate (as seen below). Glue the plates together, with the beveled side facing outward. Next cut out your ear shapes by cutting a pointed oval with the pink oval slightly smaller than the white. Now glue your ear pieces together (pink on top of white), and then glue the ears to the larger plate at the top (see photo above). Use your hole punch to create two holes on the side edges, and string yarn through to create a handle. Finally, glue your pompoms and wiggly eyes, and draw on your bunny mouth.
Trace each child's hand. Help them cut their hand print out. Then encourage them to glue cotton balls to the palm of their hand cut out and an eye onto their thumb.
Provide paper plates, cotton balls, glue, construction paper, pipe cleaners, and googly eyes for children to make a paper plate sheep.