Supplies Needed;
Directions; Paint the paper plate and the paper cup yellow as the plate forms the base of the sombrero and the cup placed upside down on the center of the plate is the top. Let it dry. Once Dry, glue the cup to the center of the plate. Wrap yarn around the connection of the cup to the plate and glue it down as a decorative hatband. Then glue pompoms around the lip of the plate to decorate your sombrero.
The Ojo de Dios (or God’s Eye) is said to have originated with the Huichol people of western Mexico. All you need for this craft is two popsicle sticks, some glue and plenty of bright, colourful yarn (as many colors as you’d like!). Weave the yarn around the sticks (there is a video demonstration below) and you’ll eventually end up with a beautiful craft that you can hang in your home all year long. |